January Challenge: Running

by - January 01, 2014

Yesterday I completed my fifth day of my 30 Day Challenge for January and I was highly impressed with myself.  I was running with someone who was on their first day on the track and it was already dark out so I ran at a slow pace to make sure she didn't get kidnapped. And also to get her motivated into doing the track two times around. On day one jogging would have been a dream but yesterday I was itching to up my pace and run run run! I was finally able to pound the pavement when we got to a lit area and just sprinted between her and our finishing point 4 times and then jogged home. I ended up going two whole miles without stopping and was not out of breath which was pretty amazing. If it wasn't already late I would have done another lap solo.

Today I'm due for the 30 day shred but I think I'm going to sneak in a run before it gets dark. I also start a 3 day cleanse today. I'm not making any excuses this year!

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